Whom do you trust?
It’s a pretty straightforward question that usually elicits some narrowing of the eyes and a side cock to the head… “Why do you ask?”
Trust is a very precious thing; to trust in someone and have someone’s trust. It can make or break a relationship, especially in business. It is my job, as a photographer to instill in you a TRUST of me. You need to trust that I a) have the skill you require for the photographs you want; b) will lead and direct you in the best way possible for amazing snaps; c) take care of you and protect your image, and d) deliver what I promise. Those are very reasonable desires to have of your photographer. I cannot tell you how many times I hear about sessions that had no direction and left clients working on their own in silence. I’m not sure how you go into a business that requires social savvy and a bit of flair lacking social skill or imagination. However, that is another blog entry, altogether.
However, I need to trust YOU, as well.
I need to trust that you will be honest with what you want, as well as what you need. I need to trust that you are not going to take advantage of me: my time, skill or kindness. I need to know that you are going to pay me for what you hire me to do and I definitely need to know that you aren’t going to STEAL from me. Lifting snaps from me without permission is stealing – PERIOD. Lifting a snap and removing the watermark I put on the print is stealing – PERIOD. You would be amazed as to how many folks take pictures without a second thought. If you want something from me, ASK. You may be surprised to find how much I may be willing to GIVE you.