All Roads Lead Back to Mom

She is the one who gave you life, discipline, wisdom and love.

Sometimes you like her and sometimes you don’t, but you always love her. She takes care of you, pushes you when you need it and provides a warm place to fall. She is your confidant, your champion, your friend… Your mother.

Yep, we all have one (or sadly, some have lost her), and some of us are mothers. We are the light in the dark for our children. We are the ones who work tirelessly to make sure our loves have what they need, but not always what they want. We do all this and more, putting ourselves last everyday. To be a parent – a MOTHER – is the most selfless thing you could ever do.

Mother’s Day is will soon be upon us. It is imperative to honor this important Goddess in your life, especially if YOU are a mother. Take one day to re-energize and allow yourself to do NOTHING all day.

Even though we ar in the midst of a pandemic, you can still explore the world around you, albeit more carefully, and masked. Go visit that dress shop you’ve been eyeballing, treat yourself to lunch. How about getting out and walking along the beach? Do whatever fills you with joy and energizes you. You cannot pour energy into others from an empty cup.

If you want to do something for yourself AND something for your family, come hang out with me. I promise to pamper you with a hair and makeup professional, some champagne and chocolate and then take the BEST PORTRAIT YOU HAVE EVER HAD OF YOURSELF! You can gift these to yourself and your family/ I promise they will treasure them for years.

Listen, nothing can ever outdo seeing your mother’s strength shine through a beautiful portrait. All little girls want to be like her; she is a Goddess, after all. THIS is the magic of a portrait. It will last forever, just like your love.

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All Roads Lead Back to Mom

She is the one who gave you life, discipline, wisdom and love. Sometimes you like her and sometimes you don’t, but you always love her.

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