I must confess… I Love My Job!

Sometimes it gets challenging (space, light, weather), but most days I am up for the adventure. Mostly, I love interacting with people, and when your clients are a gaggle of tiny tutu wearing ladies, it’s even better.

Yes, I am talking about my gig with Balla Ballet Kentlands and the tutus I referenced are the adorable students of one of the most impressive “20 something” young woman I have had the pleasure of meeting in a really long time, Mlle Hope McDonald.

This petite dynamo opened her studio in Gaithersburg, MD, in September 2013 ALL BY HERSELF. She had been teaching for years – for others, and an important life lesson set her on her own path. She was determined to make it happen, and make it happen she has. She has approximately 114 students, ranging in ages from 2-8 and basically runs the place single handedly, seven days a week (she does have the loveliest assistants when she needs). In addition to running classes, she runs a summer ballet camp program and has participated in a “Parents Night Out” event for the community. Did I mention she has a book and doll in the works? Yup, it’s a fact.

Bella Ballet is a concept, not just a dance studio. Mlle. Hope is on a mission to instill self-confidence to young girls not only in her studio, but globally. In an age where young girls are bombarded with images about “ideal” beauty, it would be amazing to catch the little ones and instill a different ideal. I believe Hope is on a very short list of evolved young women that truly care about making an impact. I talk to ALOT of folks and she has made a serious impression on me. I will do whatever I can to help her reach her goals. She makes me smile with her determination. I LOVE IT!

So do these little dudes:

Too cute, right? They were so much fun to shoot, and so well behaved. They followed direction, laughed, gave me some sassing – even the parents, ROCKED! If any of you are in the Gaithersburg, MD, area and are looking for quality dance lessons for your children, check out Bella Ballet (I’ve provided a link to her site). You will not be disappointed.

Thank you Bella Ballet Kentlands for making my ballet recital debut AMAZING… XOXO

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All Roads Lead Back to Mom

She is the one who gave you life, discipline, wisdom and love. Sometimes you like her and sometimes you don’t, but you always love her.

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