Family Time is Important Time

This fall, I had the pleasure of capturing the images of a very vivacious and FUN family, The Engels.  It was one of my all time favorites, as it gave me my first exposure to Great Falls Park, which has a Virginia side and a Maryland side.  We were on the Maryland side and it is beautiful!

The matriarch of this fine family is Shanna, who happens to be one of my Bella Ballet moms, and one of the fine teachers at The Foundations School of Montgomery County (whom I shot earlier in the year).  I wanted to do something nice for her as a way of saying, “Thank You,” and she chose a family portrait session.  Since I am a BIG advocate of yearly family photos, I was very eager and pleased to do this for her.

Ms. Shanna has a lovely hubby, Barry (whom we discovered was a supermodel in disguise), and two lovely daughters – Aviva and Lyla, who have the BEST personalities for getting adorable / hysterical stills.  They were such troopers and allowed me to capture some seriously amazing shots of their GORGEOUS faces.  Here, see for yourselves…

Didn’t I tell you?  Gorgeous people in a gorgeous setting.  My life is really amazing, at times…

If you haven’t done it, go to the park and enjoy all the walkways and falls.  There are some serious vistas to be seen.  Of course, bring your camera, because life is so much better when you capture your memories.  If you’d like to capture your self and your loved ones for all time, give me a ring and I will be happy to snap some memories to put up on your walls.

Ps:  They have a GREAT BIG canvas of the upper right snap up on their family room wall!  I think it’s one of my most favorite clients photos of ALL time… Get your own, now!  #existinphotos

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All Roads Lead Back to Mom

She is the one who gave you life, discipline, wisdom and love. Sometimes you like her and sometimes you don’t, but you always love her.

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