That is the only word to describe the Fun I had this past weekend with some Fabulous ladies I am lucky enough to call “friends.” They came to help me launch my new line of Beauty / Glamour Portraiture. They had music, cocktails, munchies, an amazing make-up and hair stylist – Carol Federman, and me, of course! I believe a good time was had by the ladies who were pampered and fluffed and reminded who they were back in the day; you know, before they were Moms?


It was very satisfying for me to see these ladies have so much fun getting all dolled up with some serious hair and make-up! It is something else to have a professional who knows how to paint in just the right way to make someone’s face pop for the lens.

I got lucky, as Ms. Carol (who was not feeling the lens of the camera that day. Hence, no real snaps of Carol) is a very busy lady who gets to go to work on movies and big commercial photo shoots. She came all the way out from Rockville, MD, to hang with us, and we were grateful for her professionalism and expertise. Thank you, Ms. Carol!


I also got my lovely 13 year-old to assist me during the day. She took behind the scenes photos, video, worked my reflector boards like a pro – she was amazing! She has a fascination with photography and FILM (art in general), so I thought she might get a kick to see her old Mom at work and learn a few things about lighting and image capture. I believe she probably learned a few things about women she may – or may not – have wanted to know, as well (I heard alot of tsking)!

What I wanted her to watch was the magic and beauty of women’s energy; how wonderful it is to be bathed in some good, positive female energy. I want her to observe it, experience and learn just how important it is to have good girlfriends in her life. We all need to hear our struggles and triumphs so that we may better support and understand each other, because as I told my Goddess-in-training, “See, Kales, no matter old how we are, all girls have the same issues, whether we’re in our teens or 40s.”


So, without further ado, I give you a sneak peak at my four Goddess friends.

Damn! It’s good to be a woman…


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All Roads Lead Back to Mom

She is the one who gave you life, discipline, wisdom and love. Sometimes you like her and sometimes you don’t, but you always love her.

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